Development of imaging tools for prenatal diagnosis
Development of imaging tools for prenatal diagnosis

Project team: Project leaders: PROGENIKA – GRIFOLS & IVI Industrial customer: PROGENIKA GRIFOLS & IVI (Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad) Research leader: INGENET-ARISENS Prenatal imaging diagnosis:

  • Monitoring of the most important parts of the fetus to detect as quickly as possible anomalies. In particular the “ductus venous”, doppler study of the blood vessels and the fetal heart rate is very important.
  • Software treatment of the ultrasound scan images that allow us to present a more friendly way (coloring and giving aspect of relief) the different elements present in a session of ultrasound both the uterus and the endometrium.

Software treatment of the ultrasound scan images: Ductus venous monitoring: In this project we present a method of identifying the ductus through a preliminary ultrasonic examination, for further assists the physician in guiding the exploration. To improve ultrasonic measuring equipment are used ultrasonic measurement systems that use the Doppler effect. Thus the speed of the elements observed (usually blood flow) is measured. Calculating the change in frequency of an observed volume, for example the flow in an artery or vein, one can determine and monitor the speed of said flow. Software treatment of the ultrasound scan images: Segmentation of ultrasound images is the determination of the boundaries of structures observed. This way you can detect automatically, dimensions and characteristics of the scanned tissue («tissue Ultrasound characterization»). One of the most important applications of this technique is the detection of tumors in the uterus (both benign (uterine fibroid) and malignant).

  • The new diagnostic / prognostic systems allow an objective and rapid assessment of pathology:

    • Must be fast and reliable. Without a lengthy procedure in the laboratory or the intervention of specialized personnel. It has to be noted that the ideal diagnostic should be designed to conduct in-situ.
    • The cost of equipment and self-diagnosis should be reduced, being accessible for institutions, for patients and for companies.
    • Must be highly advanced technology but low complexity.
    • The application must be noninvasive